Old school games on the computer?

I would like to play all old games from like NES, SNES, N64, PS1, and some new systems, DS, GBA, etc…, but i want to play them on my computer. Is there any place that i can download them from on the internet? Someone please give me steps in doing so if there is?

Uh, emulators?

I’m going to go play sonic 3.

http://www.romnation.net will help

first download the emulator you want, then the games.

genesis + NHL 94 = win

nhl 94 is seriously amazing still. Its just the practice mode and the ease of being able to control the goalie while a buddy shot a few pucks at ya. Thats my favorite part of it. Anyway…another decent site is freeroms.com Actually…I have many many many roms when they used to come in those packages of 100s on kazaa or limewire. Just had to go through and filter out the BS that wasnt actually…umm…games. Im sure those of you who have dloaded those things have found a few files that werent roms? rather…8 bit cartoon porn? oh ya…and 16 bit cartoon porn for the snes. Wow people need help.

The ROMS are stupid easy to come by. I have every NES and SNES game ever made to my knowledge…

Good stuff…

So on a side note I still have my Genesis and NHL 94. Sometimes during drunkin video game nights I bust out the old school systems. Sometimes some Off Road, NHL 94, Joe Montana football 94 or some N64 Goldeneye(best game ever).

Offroad was sick too. The chicks were hot when I was 12.

thanks for all the input everyone