Coolest thing ive seen today


:bigclap: for using seen correctly

that dude has some balance

Nothing but skill there.

Next XGames event?

thats amazing.

i want one, but i would be too scurred to hit my balls though.

I saw “car videos” and though it was going to be something completely different… This was fucking SIQ though.



Anyone know the song title/artist?

DJ Shadow ft. Mos Def- Six Day remix

Dj Shadow and Mos Def- Six days is the song

edit: shit beat me to it


daaaaaaaammmmmmmmmnnnnnn, that was sick when he was on the arches of the bridge.

how many cc`s are those bikes?!

wow different but kewl

So siqq. trails riders are so skilled at what they do it’s unbelievable

trials have been around for years, that guy deff has some major skill though.

info on some of the bikes from a dealer here in ny