o i forgot my car wasnt overpriced like yours. ;D
was that to me???
nope, pointed toward the new ron jeremy
prolly to me… he grows “e-testicles” to talk shit to me. but never in person. go figure :ponder
its called ball busting. something you should be used to by now.
and your lucky when you were drunk at sutters that one time when asked my girl if she likes anal, i didnt come over there and break your neck. ;D
That is all :
#1 i wasnt drunk…
#2 does she like anal?
hahaha. i dont think youve got it in you.
GTFO! :lol
i qouted traivs, there for i was directing everything towards him
your breath smelled like beer and dog shit. that night
dude… ive heard that shit since 2nd grade… yes i get it my teeth are yellow… thats their natural pigment… they are brushed daily… unfortunately for you penile implants arent as easy or cheap as a new toothbrush…
yeap im drunk realized that a little too late my bad haha :crackup
Dont temp me in person, its one thing on here, but to say it to my face is two differnent things. im a big guy, also have a anger management problem, when i get mad, lets just say i dont hold back.
this whole last post, reminds me of adam sandler in that movie, about not making any since and awarded 0 points
:lol its ok!
If that made no SENSE to you, you should go back to grammar school and try 4th grade English, yet again.
and back on to topic
that vette sucks … glad it wouldnt make it into production
Someone said anal.
I’m not coming into this thread to take sides, but this statement is complete bullshit.
and retro styling sucks
if it doesnt have a traction control void button its definatly junk.