Could a mother be more awkward.

Semi-NWS: becuase of the general content. But no naughty words, or nudity.


should have cut to a clip of him getting right back in to it.

he was still stroking

all whilst staring so attentively to his mom.


Yeah wtf. He didn’t stop, he just like, bunched up the blankets and made it SO MUCH MORE obvious.

Stupid educational video!

wow thats really creepy haha

That would have killed my session.

Mad old. The whole video is top-notch though. I could probably host it somewhere if people want to see it. 62MB.

Adds new meaning to " stop drop and roll " or " duck and cover "

thats some funny shit


Mad old. The whole video is top-notch though. I could probably host it somewhere if people want to see it. 62MB.


Truth the entire video is HYSTERICAL. Put it on youtube brent.


Truth the entire video is HYSTERICAL. Put it on youtube brent.


Um, nevermind.