Could this guy be a JUMPER!!!!

lol. I though you had the vid of that truck appearing out of thin air, but yes the video I posted up is from this same movie.

I couldn’t understand anything relating to that real cop ghost vid so, all that seemed relative even though it’s a movie, was yea that jumper movie.

Djpyro, I saw the clip you have from this movie, I see the kid drowning, and then teleporting to a library, is it wildly possible, that if a human is in such a place it scares the shit out of them or in danger that they accidentally use some unused part of that brain by not chance, but just concentrating on doing something and it happens. Like in a fight when two people fight adrenalin takes over to keep that body SAFE or something, usually automatically, then the more that body become used to the adrenalin the less it feels uncontrollable. Just like how this kid in the movie was surprised the first time it happened, possibly automatic, because he was in such a situation.

What do you think? On the basis of not the movie but the idea of the brain being able to do such things?