Man pulls cop over for speeding

Awesome. Cop is a retard. Kidnapping? How? lol.

ahahhhaha :rofl

love how they said a youtube video… people are really retarded, liveleak would love to hear that…


holly shit

HOLLY SHIT im up to 90

jesus CHRIST :lol

dontworry im gonna merge these posts when im done laughing

holly fucking shit ! this guy is going fast as hell god dman ! holl fucking shit

:rofl this guy isnt even doing 100 and hes flipping out…

hhahahahaha wait wait



JAAHHHA !! it must be Zrockets father or something on this tape

hzhzhz i got a speding ticket in virginia just for fuckin showin off for my fuckin… fuck that… comon my sheriff lets go !

this video is just hilarious… hes such a retarded redneck its not even funny, the cop is stupid too

the whole situation is hilarious

that was cool as hell!

that had to be staged. Not sure if thats just how it is in the state they were in but the cop car just had a standard license plate.

ahahaha what is he doing at the end of the video… just shaking for 5 mins

if you pulled that shit anywhere i know you would be in jail, theyd take your video and use it to show you were speeding or some shit.

daddy doesnt approve.


thats what i was saying the entire time

cameo relax homey not everyone on here knows that ,

please son i don’t know the details of your life, if you don’t take 99% of what i say a joke then there is gonna be problems for you…

whatever happened with your dad def sucks, but my above comments are purely comical and nothing more

dont get all hyped up with me like im supposed to know

anyways yea i guess the video could of been staged but… idk… if its real then the fuckin dude is retarded how is he gonna submit a tape where u cant even watch it because hes so annoying with his fuck fuck holly shit fuck talk…

Someone try doing that in Nisky or Colonie… that Cop was way too laid back for what that moron was doing.

i think thats just how shit works out in the redneck areas …

hes such a puss for shakin like a bitch at the end LOL man up thre isnt even snow on the ground

Thats retarded

that civic has SWEET CHROME washer nozzles!

im drunk and thats the funniest shit i seen all day…hahahahahaha

:wtf mk4 30r, why did you modify my post. My dad is dead and I do and will take offense to this every single joke seems to revolve around me… I dont like it when people talk about someone who cant even defend himslef.

do you make fun of retarded people? they cant defend themselves.

i modified your post because its not necessary on here. got a problem with the person go to PM.

defend ur self? u got 2 foot’s and 2 ham’s… u can type also.
laydown a physical assault or flex ur e muscal’s and lay down a verbal assault. you’ll only get banned for a few day’s.

it’s the internetz not school u wont get grounded if u get banded from z netz.:rofl

2 hams :excited

w/e not paying attention to him hes trying to make the whole thing into something its not and never was

moving on :retardclap