Man pulls cop over for speeding

That guy videoing seems to have something mentally wrong with him or testicles so large that they require a wheel barrel to lug them around.

I believe police officers should obviously be able to speed while on an emergency calls but to just speed because you think you’re untouchable is just as big a danger to society as regular drivers doing the same shenanigans.

about time. +rep for posting that.

hey genius im talking about my dead father… thank you and no further comments need im over it…

sorry I took it wrong…:Idiots

I swear to god i’ll pistol whip the next person that says Shenanigans.

Farva! What’s the name of that place you like, you know, the one with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

Oh, you mean Shenanigans?!


If it keeps them off my back, cops can speed all fucking day long. I could give two shits about that. Just another cop doing a cop thing.