I'm a certified BADASS!!!!



Lame. ::slight_smile:


and the point of this thread is what?

what kind of rice tickets did they give you? :lol

to show his drifting skillz

The point of this thread is that I am dying of cancer and aids.


what? you post a picture of your car with 2 police cruisers behind it, and the thread is about you having aids? ok.

ohh and I also chopped my head of with these here scissors

k automatic drift boy

Please, no documentation without proper representation. I once inhaled small artifacts in the park and was misinterpretted as a laborist.

i saw this particular car parked on west ave in toga the past 2 days across from humpty dumpty’s… looks better in person… :+1 for ron

bad ass is being pulled over by 2 cops? wow lol :confused so what are you if you say… :ponder… got pulled over by one cop but three more come rolling in, they find you have 9 scofflaws for speeding and other asorted traffic violations plus a suspended license plus the reason they pulled you over was you were traveling at rediculas speed and you were racing :nono… and they let you go without much more then “tell your brother in law i said hi”… what would that be called? purely hypotetical of course ::slight_smile:

I dont think we have a “getting raped” smiley but if ya give me a minute I can find one for ya :haha

here ya go http://smiliesftw.com/x/bunnabutsecks.gif


close but no cigar ;D :haha

i like it

oh yeah and if bein badass is gettin yanked by 2 cops i must be stellar cause i got 5 cars and dragged out of my car cuffed and locked up…but keep thinkin your cool :idiots

Car looks great.

Did they really pull you over of you just conveniently parked in front of them?

yea they prolly needed 5 cops to take ur ass out lol

yeah i was all jacked up on mountain due ;D