I'm a certified BADASS!!!!

i would have had a sweet picture of my truck surrounded my 3 cruisers but i didnt want to get shot by pulling out my camera and taking a picture, the reason the other cruisers were there is b/c my windows were tinted and the initial cop that came to my window saw boxes of .223 ammo in my truck…so taking a picture at that moment was a VERY bad idea…but, true story.

hmmm…cops pull you over for being bad ass but yet dont turn there lights on?

To put in my silly cop story:

Some lady cut in front of me in the straight lane after she decided to make the right turn lane another straight lane - I laid on my horn like any normal person would do, but took it a little farther and kept on it for about a minute (just to let her know I really disapproved?) when I realize there is a cop on the side of the road finishing up some paperwork… nice guy that he was, he flagged me down and asked me if I was alright. I told him I was just fine, that the lady in front of me cut me off and the circumstances, and said it figures that once again a cop wasn’t looking when you wish they were. He gave me this look :confused and told me to have a nice day.

I actually don’t know what they were doing. They came out of the house in the picture. Domestice dispute is my guess.

Oh and I’m sales manager at Adirondack Appliance. Thats why my car is parked there 6 days a week.

lol, nicole the same thing happened to me but the car pulled in front of me and as soon as he pulled in front of me…what do ya know a cop came around the corner so it looked like i was tailgating them…awsome. Another awsome story, the cop didnt like the my old truck said chevy subn on the reg…and the truck had gmc emblems and …gasp and gmc steering wheel! douch made me get out of my truck and when he finally let me say somthing all i said was check the VIN number ::slight_smile: . Still got a following too closely ticket.


Some are just dicks like that. Bethlehem, Nisky, Rotterdam. Probably some of the worst.
For the most part Colonie and Albany aren’t too bad… I got let go for having no tail lights 'cause it was too late to fix them, got off with running a stop sign 'cause it was my mom’s birthday and I had the cake in my car, got let go for doing 75 down Central 'cause I thought my best friend’s appendix was bursting… Pretty reasonable. Probably helps I’m a girl. ::slight_smile:

I got pulled over for bad ass Fla. window tint job and sweet Trans Am, No front plate mod. Apparently Bethlem forgot to electronically file my suspension release and I didnt have the paperwork on me… AUO! Then some bad ass drove by in his sweet black neon with dubs and 2 fart cannons and honked like an asshole at my missfortune. The Trooper asked if I had someone comming to drive my car, I said yes, He said “have a nice day” lol and was in pursuit of the neon.

yep, bethleham pd :wink: whole other list of storys with vunk

True story. I almost cried at the thought of that car being impounded… THE DAY AFTER IT WAS PUT ON THE ROAD. :angry2

therontom31, dude are u on shift-lock? i recognize the “im killing it” bit

Nope Zilvia actually. One of the shift lock guys sent me some free stickers to help with the bet i have going. I used to have a gigantic I’m killing it all the way across my windshield but one day this girl was being nice and scraping ice of my winshield and scraped the sticker to all hell

got any more of em left?

your AWD audi is def not “killing it”

but hes got LM replicas…err Had LM replicas

haha, no. i dont plan to “kill it” in the audi :lol
i wanted to put it on something else.

i still have em, one is just slightly misshapen -_-’

No im all out. you can buy any of the stickers on shiftlock though they are mad cheap.

LMFAO but it wasnt being raped thats the best part lol

wow, nice lexus man!