and the guy that the cop pulled over had his own camera in the car to catch it all
"You’ll hear this officer tell me he’ll make up “9 different charges” including resisting arrest before he has even tried to arrest me. You’ll hear him say how I didn’t use my turn signal and I was weaving when the video clearly proves him wrong.
I truly thought if I didn’t suck up, I would be beaten and maybe killed."
I try to never give a cop a hard time cuz they can screw with you all they want. I know you were doing nothing wrong but you put the cop in a “back against the wall” position and you will never win an argument with a cop, especially one with an attitude.
I loved the way he admitted he would “make up” a bunch of charges so your car would be towed. What an ass he is, you could show it to his Capt but you’d just get deeper in the shit.
Hope you learned a lesson. Even when they’re wrong, they’re right!
Oh by the way, I saw the right blinker, maybe the cop is in need of glasses??
holy shit…I would do a lot more than post that vid on youtube. I hope the kid in the video did!!! That is wrong, I would ruin that guy for being such a wacko. He needs a job that doesn’t involve ppl, and has way less power.
He could have avoided the entire situation by simply saying, oh I was just waiting for someone or some shit like that. He didn’t have to start shit off by questioning everything the cop was saying.
The cop certainly overreacted, but the kid was asking for something. I’m always as courteous as can be with Cops, simply because they are either on your side, or not, so try to get them on your side whenever you can.
The kid shouldn’t have had an attitude at first but at the same time that cop shouldn’t have gone nutzo in the buttzo. That is serious abuse of power, sounds like the cop had a bad night.
The kid shouldn’t have had an attitude at first but at the same time that cop shouldn’t have gone nutzo in the buttzo. That is serious abuse of power, sounds like the cop had a bad night.
+1. The kid did give attitude, but not enough for this. Cops like this are an embarrassment. The cop got real calm at the 5:00 mark for some reason and was talking about not using a turn signal, he did use the turn signal. Then the cop says he doesn’t need reason to pull him over because he was a suspicious vehicle. BEING A SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE was the reason for pulling him over :picard:. Guys like this make me sick.
The cop certainly overreacted, but the kid was asking for something. I’m always as courteous as can be with Cops, simply because they are either on your side, or not, so try to get them on your side whenever you can.
Seriously F that cop. That is when you have a camera upload the video to your home computer. I would have had the cop take me to jail. Then I would have sued the shit out of him. That is complete bullshit. I’m sorry cops have a JOB to do, they don’t rule the world. He should have just asked the kid straight up, “hey what are you doing here?We have had problems with people braking into cars and I just want to make sure your not braking into them, or being attacked by anyone” Would that be so hard? I really hope he gets fired for that and can never be a cop again.
It might be a setup man. Why the fuck would the kid park in that parking lot, turn his light on, then turn it off, coincidentally with a camera rolling with a cop coincidentally comes back for him. But, then again after the kid mentioned the camera in the car, the cop got nice