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So last night on my home from work…

I was leaving the parking lot, it was dark, no cars on the road so I goosed her a little bit, got a little bit sideways and straightened out.
Two seconds later I get pulled over. I said ok, I was a dumbass, my mistake, I pay for it.
So I would have fine if the officer would have just gave me the ticket and that was it.

Here’s where it gets interesting. He comes back to the car and says," Well I wrote you a ticket for unsafe turn, so i’m giving you a big break, I could have arrested you for disorderly conduct, brought you to jail, and had your car impounded. Heres your ticket. Now if I get a trial out of this I have up to a year to arrest you on the disorderly charge. :wow

Why did he have to say that, I was nothing but respectful to the officer the whole time. I even shook his hand when all was said and done.

I am pretty sure that intimidation, duress, blackmail, I could come up with a few. From my previous law background I know he can’t arrest me on a disorderly charge after the fact. He never gave me a citation for it or arrested me. But I always try to respect the law and I always own up to my mistakes. Im not denying acted like an ass when I went sideways, however I beleive he stepped out of his bounds.

wtf is he talking about? disorderly conduct has nothing to do with an automotive infraction. what you were doing they consider to be “reckless driving,” or “reckless endangerment,” AFAIK. when they give you either of those charges, thats when they can impound your car. disorderly conduct would be say you out at a bar yelling obscenities, and when asked to stop you don’t. your right about that year thing too. how the fuck does he think he can do that? yup, right again… intimidation. i’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that it really doesn’t matter how polite you are to some officers. i’ve been stopped enough to know the routine, and i’m always polite just by nature. after i’m handed ticket(s) then i lay into them. it seems like so many people get breaks from cops, but i am not one of them. i have no clue why either. :idiots

actually. He’s right.

He could technically charge you with disorderly conduct.and he actually does have 12 months from the time he witnessed to crime to come back and make an arrest.

Why did he say that? To put that thought in the back of your head, the next time you might happen to think of doing something like that, you will remember the luck you had last time. They can also put a note showing the incident into the computer system.

My suggestion… Pay the fine, and just be more careful next time. there was more than likely alot more tickets he could have given you had he been more motivated.

Great. So now I can be pulled over for an exhaust ticket, but even if I’m being perfectly polite, an officer can blatantly lie and tell me he is going to write me up on a disorderly conduct charge.

Last I checked, that was prejudicial. Guaranteed he wouldn’t pull that shit with a family of four in a Taurus, going 10mph above the limit.

That’s all I need is to have cops find a new little weapon to use on enthusiasts just for being enthusiasts.

Sounds like the cop came down on ya alittle hard especially with the “possible arrest” he could make on you. Cops see that kinda stuff constantly though. A young kid in a souped up sports car screwing around, you don’t only endanger yourself, but others around you. I know you said you were alone but after him seeing that they automatically assume you’ve done it before and maybe with other peopl around.

I can see why your pissed, but on the other side of things, cops don’t wanna be making that phone call either to your families to come identify you down at the hospital because you were driving wrecklessly and killed yourself.

Hopefully next time you’ll just be a little more careful and think twice before you decide to screw around again.

cops have enough to worry about, no one wants to see a kid on wet, cold roads take out a family in their van on the way to dinner.

with cameras being in 95 percent of the vehicles, it would be easy to prove the officer was in fact lying. I have done some really stupid shit in my time, and have gotten busted for nearly 95 percent of it. Not once have I EVER been threatened with something I didnt do. I know I can’t speak for every law enforcement officer around, but I’m pretty sure they have better shit to do than to be in court dealing with tickets.

Thank you to everyone who is being non-judgmental in their replies, irregardless of your oppinion.

I respect everyone’s oppinion but do not come on here acting like I did something wrong when not one person in here can’t say they’ve never done anything wrong before. I have a fast fucking car for a reason. So if once in awhile I feel like letting her lose im going to so go screw yourself if you think im driving the car I drive and don’t plan on having fun, track or no track.

That being said, it’s not the ticket I have an issue with. I will plead guilty and pay the stupid miniscule fine. But what I can’t tolerate is an abuse of the system. In this case the officer made a threat to arrest me if I plead not guilty. Which is wrong.

is that directed to me?, i too in the past have had fast cars, flashy airbagged trucks blah blah blah. i’ve been pulled over for ridiculous shit at high rates of speed, i’ve also not stopped before. everytime i’ve been stopped, regardless of what i’ve done, i’ve never been treated poorly in my eyes. acting stupid warrants the officer to treat you like your stupid. i stopped driving nuts when i got married, and thats fine with me


i would just like too say… congradulations and welcome to the life of cars.
we all know the price to pay for having fun in them.

but we all do it at one time or another.

and yes my personal opinion is that cop was a dick.

i prob. no more than likely would of went to jail if that was me. i dont take well to threats wether it be cop or not.

he was just looking for u to get pissed and give ya more without loosing sleep over it.

but again this just my opinion. and not all cops are out to get ya…


I’m not exactly sure if your directing that towards me either but what do you expect when you have a flashy car and you drive wrecklessly? There’s a time and a place to open your car up and it’s on a track. If you can’t wait to hit a track, drive like a maniac on the streets and possibly face consequences. I’m not saying i’ve never not driven my car or rode my street bike like an idiot because i’m just as guilty as pretty much everyone else on here.

I agree the cop was a little agressive towards you but he could have arrested you on the spot for wreckless endangerment if he really wanted to.

I think everyone has experienced that at one point or another, the abuse of power. I feel cops are not adequately prepared for the power they are given and have a very tough time adapting in a civil manner. They are taught to intimidate you, strike fear into you so you cooperate, the problem with that is they often forget to treat people like they are humans. I know their jobs are tough and they are always dealing with people who are in situations they don’t want to be in, but they frequently seem to forget that deep down most people are genuinely good and deserve the courtesy of being treated as such. By the time most officers learn this they are usually promoted and not doing patrolling.

The abuse of power will be debated and argued for as long as power is enforced, we’ve all experienced it and be it just or unjust life will go on. While I understand that you are just venting, I would urge you to let it go and get on with enjoying life as soon as you can.

You also have to keep in mind, what sort of people end up becoming cops.

It’s not the book nerds.

Cops are sometimes the worst people to seek any sort of law advice or regulation, they don’t follow laws, but rather protocols and general practices, which is exactly how tickets get thrown out of court by lawyers.

And don’t forget, due to our system, a cop can give you a ticket for anything including being white if he really wanted to, and it’s up to you to fight it in court, and prove how ridiculous it is.

I personally have a buddy of mine, who swears by stock exhausts on bikes, and hates any sort of aftermarket loud pipe, who was furious when a cop gave him a ticket for his exhaust, when it clearly has “yamaha” embedded in the metal.

On a sidenote, I don’t think anybody was judging you, or directing anything directly towards you, they just made a comment on what the perceived the situation to be, without actually being there to know the details that you do, so don’t take it personal.

Been there, had that happen. I wen’t to HVCC for school, left williams hall one day to be cut off by a dickhead in an suv. I tailgated him till he stopped, got out,and started screaming at me that i was trying to kill him. So i did, drove right at him made him jump out of the way and everything. Next day at school i get pulled out of class and arrested for disorderly conduct and following too closely. Turns out dickhead was an off duty east greenbush fuckhead. So needless to say i went to court and told the d.a. the story, i got off with an ACOD which just means as long as some other dickhead doesn’t arrest me within the year i would get off of the charges and I did.

…only Tom. :nod

How were they able to prove you were doing what you were actually doing? Did you admit to it or did they have it on camera or were they just going on the guy’s word because he was an off duty cop? Unless an on duty cop didn’t actually see it happen or the person reporting it doesn’t have supporting evidence that you were in fact doing that (video) or you admitting to it, I don’t see how they could have arrested you.

:lol What are the chances of that? That was some bad luck you must have had that day.

Very bad luck, BTW it was over 10 years ago and it was his word against mine. Cops always win they have the gun and the court system. I can’t say it enough i fucking hate cops and wish they would all die. :runaway

Your not the only one.
