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that sucks. pretty bad story. it could really happen to anybody though. no one likes being cut off in traffic.

yeah, most cops are dicks, agreed.

i fucking hate cops

fuck the police


sounds like another cop on a power trip trying to go around the system, the only reason he doesnt want you to plea not guilty is because he will have to show up in court.

Isn’t it still OT for most cops to show up to court?

its not OT until its over 40 hours i believe

I don’t understand how you think he’s trying to go around the system. IF he had arrested him, it just would have been a shit ton of more paper work for the cop to do. It just sounds like it to me that he was trying to shake him up a bit (which it seems like he did)

if the officer is scheduled to work that day, he gets pulled off of patrol to sit in court. most likely since I’m assuming that the ticket was written late at night, it would be after the officer’s shift.

what the police officer is doing is threatening him to plea guilty or he will arrest him for disorderly conduct, cops dont care what you are doing, they dont care if you get in trouble or not, that police officer just doesnt want to sit in court and waste his time, why do you think he cares if your shaken up or not?

My buddy just got pulled over the other day doing 82 in a 45…the cop lowered it to 70 for him “so he wouldn’t lose his license” and told him if he fights it or trys to get it reduced he’ll raise it to 82 :wtf

what the police officer is doing is threatening him to plea guilty or he will arrest him for disorderly conduct, cops dont care what you are doing, they dont care if you get in trouble or not, that police officer just doesnt want to sit in court and waste his time, why do you think he cares if your shaken up or not?

So then if he feels he’s being threatened by a cop maybe he should take him to court over it. That will go over as well as a fart in church and he’ll get nowhere. Your right that cop doesn’t want to sit around in a court room over something that stupid, they have much better things to worry about then some kid wrippin his car sideways. The cop is saying it to shake him up most likely because he doesn’t want to see the same kid pulling the same shit again. Chances are if this kid did do it again and this cop saw him doing it, i’m almost positive the cop would throw the book at him. Mainly doing it as a forewarning.

I had a cop give me shit for screwing around on my motorcycle. He could have arrested me too and he didn’t. Said basically the same thing this cop said to him.

Cops suck period, don’t make excuses for them they chose that job.

I’m not making excuses. I’d love to be a cop infact. Awesome pension, do your 20 years and your done and start a new career doing something else. There’s good cops and there’s definitely bad cops too. Not all of them suck.

just the vast majority of them

tru dat

I wouldn’t go that far

Yeah i have to say, although i hate cops… the ones that have pulled me over, 95% of them were cool about it and let me go.


guess a bunch of you guys are lucky. maybe i’m just the one who gets stopped for stupid shit, and i must have some magic power that gives the cop a boner for busting my balls. i get let off like 5% of the time. LOL

i personaly think mos of them r a nusiance anyways. but i quite enjoy getting pulled over in my truck for tinted windows constantly and harrassed… the funny part is there
not even tinted AT ALL. the driver and passenger windows have no tint,
the only one’s that do r the x cab and rear window. which r factory…