Even when i got pulled over for passing 3 cars over the double solid yellow, he wasn’t a huge dick about it…there was one cop that made a huge deal about my front plate not being on my Trans Am…he got so mad he thought it was necessary to use the words; fuck & shit multiple times :haha
This isn’t pointed at you, it’s just a general statement
Alright well when someone vandalizes your property or mugs you or commits any sort of crime that directly affects you, your going to call the cops to seek justice. Chances are the cop is going to be on the same side of the fence as you and you won’t be calling him a “fucking pig”.
It’s ridiculous to hear people say, “fuck the cops”, “Pigs suck!” bla bla bla… But when something happens to them criminally and they want to seek out on it the right way, who are they going to turn to? The people that they call pigs and fucking assholes.
You can’t put a bad name on every cop just because there’s a few out there on an ego trip who think their the shit.
If it were an eye for an eye society people would be getting fucked up, it would get too out of control…but then again people would eventually learn their lesson.
I’m sorry but I actually have to disagree with you, A few months ago when i worked at that carwash on Albany-Shaker i was robbed twice, so I do the sensible thing and call the cops, the first time they were ok a little nosy when they illegally searched my car but w/e no harm done cuz i dont have anything illegal in my car. 2nd time a week later. I get robbed so i call the police and some fucking pig shows up, i forget his name but he was a short, bald private and he was a colonie cop, he starts swearing at me, he told me he was going to “puit my fucking head through a window”, he stormed over to my car opened my passenger door as fast as he could to be a dick, then completely trashes my car searching it claiming he had “probable cause” that i robbed my own job then called the police, alot of sense that would make fucing pig. My parents ended up having to come down to my work to pick me up because they wanted to arrest me and i wasnt being “compliant”, of course im not compliant that asshole told me he was gonna put my fucking head through a window so i called him a pig. Now the cop decided to be a MEGA-DICK and bring the owner of the store down, the manager was there and that was fine the first time, and the cop goes off into this bullshit story and he convinces the owner to fucking fire me on the spot, so now i have to sit outside in the cold (40degrees or close to it) and i was there for two hours after this happened. so FUCK COPS no matter what ALL of them are cock sucker pigs that dont give a fuck about anyone but them selves and i really wish they were all dead. /end rant :headbang