couple race pics from today

Do you know the Himler’s? Looks my cousin Luke’s old bike…

your right, I do some trail riding when ever I get a chance. I don’t race and I also don’t like to spend alot on parts, when you live next to lojacks yamaha you ride yamaha’s.

My relationship with 4 strokes is like dan with the 240sx , when you can’t beat them join 'em

yep. 250fs and 450fs are so good now. i stil am gonna miss not having a 2 stroke though.

OurLancerEvos, Luke works at Cernics right? cause im almost positive thats the Luke at Cernics last name. if so, then yes me and Don both know him cause we talk to him for sponsorship stuff. we both get help from cernics.

yeah mark I though you knew he was a racer. I am sure he knows Jimmy.

Congrats Don. good luck on the rest of the series. Does Mad Mike still ride? I am sure he is gettin pretty sore cause that dude was always banged up

he was at the Freestyle Moto X thing at the arena last year when i went…

yeah i know jimmy. he races + 25 and +30A, i race +25 and +30B. he is winning the series in +25, but i’m only a few points behind him. i used to race 125 b with him like 15yrs ago too. never heard of brian green, what number is he?

yep i know luke. he lives in greensburg somewhere. i see hime at all the races, and i race with his brother scott too.

If you look at the pictures at the beginning of the thread… The guy with no sleeves riding is Madd Mike. He went out and goofed off a little so I snapped some pics of him.

i’ve always wanted to do that section of uphill doubles. Looks so fucking fun.

my bro still rides… he owns a raptor. and his friend has 14 bikes. if you want to get together and get the kids to ride let me know. i want to get my son on a bike but i am a bad teacher

my brother goes to tri county atv to ride

hey b4 you do that do you wanna ride mine first see how you like it?

i would…

well if you want to et me know a day or something your off and we’ll go from there

im sure youll ride mine at some point too. basically the KXF is faster but the RM-Z handles better. take your pick cause they are both awesome bikes.

theres differences though cause i think my kaw handles better then the rmz i rode

they dont

i think they do but i different feel for a bike then you i guess idk lol