Cmon…Im on bald Drs…(swiftys) lets do this tonight. I’ll give you a roll too…which im sure you’ll destroy me…considering you make 100whp more than I do lol. But after watching you race the s4…on pump…and what happened between me and the s4 when he was on pump (pete was in the car…he can verify)…I think a dig would be great…So cmon…dont back down to an open Diff Honda from a dig with a camaro :)…oh and if any like power or trap cars want to come(JimP)…im down for that too. tonight!
shame this thread just got posted. i made plans about an hour ago to go down to poughkeepsie to work on the project. gti is ready to roll, i cant go from less than 60 unfortunately
Whoa, callin out everyone huh Rusty…
well…its not that…just I havent ran in awhile…and I know these cars are just as fast if not faster than mine…so if I win…it will be sweet…if I loose…I’ll shake hands and show respect where it’s due…ya know?..and Mk430r…that sucks…would love a run against the GTI…but 60? damn thats high for even us honda guys
j/k j/k
yeah 40 doesnt work so well for me :banghead…60 is where hondas love to be.
d00d I own a honda and 40 is great. i’ll meet ya half way at 50.
I heard something about diggums…I can haz dig run too??
yeah sure. the white evo vs the white stang…and me and the camaro :)…but seriously…JimP? mk4 30r? SSmokinss? tonight? anyone? shit adam Ill run ya…but we both know it wont go good for me…the evo would be better for ya 
Mk4 is down state working on a friends car tonight. As for JimP I have no clue where he is
im going on the cruise tonight…
if your going to get a dig out of me, its going to be middle day when the roads are hot, not night when the roads are cold on street tires.
meet me at 50 and we have a deal.
I will give you your dig and you give me a 50. Do you want to know what my 60’ was the last time I went to the track?? I dont think you do. Pretty sure you have the dig race wrapped up already…
yah, I own a Camaro and I cant launch it.
can i get in on this too? i havnt put my new tires on so digs are useless but who cares.
ok well considering its almost 9:30 and I live 45min away…i guess we’re beat for tonight…mabey tomm…get at me ppl.
So whens this going down? Im in on some fun
good race Austen.
Brett yanked me…fucker. Guess I cant bust your balls anymore…you finally came out on the streets 
Pete, you need to learn NOT to put down my windows when Im running. Hell, I was trying to put the window up while shifting and you were taping.
Word. Def. awesome runs, all 3 cars.
Brett+car+street :wow !!! lol
when did you guys run? after i left?