Couple races in the S4, mostly losses (in 1080p!)

no i havnt been out this year long story :cry: the first time was when i ran swift and that was 2 years ago, the second was 2 years ago playing around with Brooks (not like it sounds lol) and then last year was the last time

y do you ask? just curious

i was there a few sundays ago .just wonderin if i met ya or not

O, if im out ill be in my 4 door silver integra (daily) alot of pple know me well and iv been around (at the lot) for the past 7 or 8 years, if your ever around look for me and say hi, i always like meeting new pple or putting a face with a name on shift :slight_smile:

the car in my sig is mine ,if i dont see ya stop at the car im normally near it

will do

watch out though, slowmarro has a tendency of tryin to pinch mens asses.

yeah thats it


john the big lumberjack with plumbers crack and a scrappy ass beard, meet justin the little dancing machine with ripped abs and a tendency to suck at beer pong and sing Akon while sucking at beer pong. :hug

Uh deadbearwhatever, how did you get in here?

through YoUr sisters ass. :wink:

Hmm, strange but Ill allow it :lol

cool story brah

Dis motha fucka right here

DISSSSSS moffa phucka!

Eyyyyhhhhyooooā€¦ MA DOOOOO

took me a second to figure that one out. then i was likeā€¦



ahahah + rep, to drunk that night

its all good man, was a good time. :thumbup