Couple Z06 Videos

I wish I had a car that accelerated like this

or this

Here you go smokey

Coolest Vette EVER!!!..I would eat your children to have one

I enjoyed those. Thanks.

Lingenfelter>All…even an F-18

not really

:naughty: :bowdown: …that vette is BAD ASS…and that s/c is soooo damn loud



you’ve seen the video where it faced the blue angels on the ground for the 0-60FT 0-60MPH and the 1/4MI the ling won…even a 1001HP veyron can’t touch the Lingenfelter


Lingenfelter can’t reach mach 1.5-2.

Can’t shoot stuff

Can’t blow up stuff.

F-18> all



the sound of the sc in the last video is fucking unreal

No doubt…I cant wait to get one on my ws.6…Lingenfelter ws.6 ftw

…ya, thatll happen.

cool vids though