
if i had to kill for food, i would. if i had to kill for defense, i would. i just cant kill for sport. i would rather hunt a human than an animal. a bad human that is. reason i can justify this is because animals dont do anything wrong. they struggle to survive the way it is. we take all this for granted. u put 90% of the fat fuckers on this forum in the woods for 1 month and i bet u 50% of them would be dead.

That is fucking sick and you guys are the reason hunting has a bad name.

People like you shouldn’t be given licenses.

:lol dont judge as you dont know the story of what happened, it wasnt on purpose :Idiots

edit: who says i have a liscense? :lol

Good points.

Hunting’s main purpose is not for food. It is for conservation, IMO. Without game harvesting, animal populations will explode and disease will run rampant. Deer, specifcally would die slowly from starvation because of overpopulation. More and more people would be dead or injured from deer-auto accidents, etc.

Not only that, but I usually keep the meat from 2 deer. It will last me all year. The rest is given to charity banks that feed the hungry. Hunting does a lot of good when you apply it the right way.

I don’t need to know the story. DFD is a poor shot and hit the animal in the face. Headshot should NOT be taken for this reason, if you are not a good shot. And obv. he is not a good shot. Then you laugh, and bash the deers head in with the butt of your rifle. That is fucking sick.

And you better hope you have your hunting license. I fucking HATE people like you. If you are hunting without a license and killing animals for fun, it is poaching. I have save this thread on my pc and I will be making sure the right people see this.

90% of the time im hunting its for food, a $4 box of slugs is cheaper than buying beef in the store. the other 10% is hunting varmints such as coyotes as they are a threat and a nuisance.

Totally agree with this!


your the one who came on here saying what you did… and its incredibly fucked up you could laugh while doing that or do it at all int he first place!

If these are your reasons and methods I can understand this… but the people who do it for the fun of the sport etc etc… it is just messed up!


the animal thrashed at the last moment he was putting it out of its misery.

i never said i didnt have a liscense, and i never said i did :lol good luck with trying to get me in trouble! i find this thread humorous

i love hunting but do not like seeing animals torchered. thats sick man you give hunters a bad name and should seriously seek mental help.

Some fucked up people on here…

+1. I think we should hunt convicted killers/rapists etc in a field rather than animals! Plus, it would save the state ALOT of money, shit they could probably make money off it lol.

Man batter :lol

What was the name of that movie? :lol

Lol will you faggots shut the hell up please?

Have you ever seen what animals do to other animals?

If I were a deer I’d take a gsw to the face and getting my dome smashed in over getting disemboweled by a big cat while I’m kicking and screaming.

Anti hunting people, for sport or otherwise, obviously don’t think this shit through. Nature sucks, sport hunting sucks way less.

I saw a deer that got hit by an F250 on the northway this morning and it was squirming around but its legs were fucked so it couldnt move. There was a trooper there when I went by and a sheriff was pulling up. By the time I got back on the northway 20 minutes later the cops, truck and deer were gone. Im assuming the cops shot it.

Im not a hunter and would rather go to a grocery store or restaurant for meat. Ive got alot of relatives including one of my brothers that hunt.

there were over 1 million deer/vehicle accidents in 2008.

That’s why there needs to be hunters. Deer are already way overpopulated as it is.

:rofl BEST example of a typical PJB response!! :rofl :rofl

seriously wtf…

alright…gatville is right I did shoot the deer’s jaw right off…but not on purpose. I’m a really good shot…you should see with an M-16 :lol When i came down out of the tree it was still very alive so rather than watch it suffer I was gonna take it out of misery. The humane thing to do…well the deer turned at the last second so rather then a headshot i got jaw shot…shit happens. I’ll admit i did laugh but i did feel a twinkle of remorse. If you get all upset about animals suffering then you DO NOT belong in the woods with a weapon.

This thread is hilarious! 99frc, good luck trying to get anything on anyone. :Idiots I’m tempted to make up a bunch of shit just because its funny watching you get all upset!