Crank Dat remix (heavy metal version)

i don’t mean the gay travis parker version. i heard it while playing cs. some assclown was mic spamming it but it’s sweet. someone find it for me!!! it’s good and heavy and has no rap whatsoever in it.

i know what it is but zero mp3 action. Crank That Cavalry Boy - i set my friends on fire…

your welcome

yeah i know all about that but that still does not help my quets for free music. =) :wink:

let me know when you play cs so i can kick your ass :slight_smile:

NYspeed CS tourney???

wtf? Thats horrible

oh i’ll get handled in cs. i suck at it. maybe a 1.5:1. i enjoy cod2…and can’t wait for 4.


my ears are bleeding.

fucking tdown. he should either scream, or sing. not sound like he’s dying with terrible strept throat

that sucks more than ever…

Where did u get all these pumpkins???