Travis Barkers "Crank Dat" Remix

a version of the song that doesnt make me wanna stab my ears…

That was good shit right there haha. Travis can beat the shit out of dem drums. Definitly great drummer

Good drummer.

Terrible choice of song to cover.

this song is 3 months old on XM(THE GREATEST THING FOR MY EARS!!)

i’m sick and tired of hearing about anything pertaining to this shitty music…think i’ll pistol whip the next person who posts a soulja boy link

Holy shit take it easy there hero

wow i guess someone can’t sense sarcasm. pistol whip…super troopers…cmon it’s been all over pittspeed for over a year now…catch up

i like that remix! and dont be mad cause i know the dance!

LOL thank you

fixed, that dance may be hot in the clubs and what not…but it’s pointless…

If it was just the drums w/o the words of what ever the fuck his name is…it would sound kick ass!!!

the music - lyrics = good dance song

travis barker + me = :cuddle:

hook me up, I have to learn it for work…

i agree. I really hate that song. but unfortunatly being a dancer I cant hate on dumb songs…it pays the bills. lol

Travis Barker is a fucking tard. However that level of idiocy that song reaches far eclipses him.

this link was on the side when i watched that barker remix

the soulja boy dance!!


lol. some of you guys are way too critical of things. :):slight_smile:

holy shit… where u come from? GEAH!

Youtube>learnin from a white man with no rhythm LOL j/k
But seriously…sit on youtube and watch the female versions of it…you’ll catch on VERY quick

I was thinking the same thing.