Crazy 180sx Crash!

I was just blowing the dust off of my old bookmarks, and im not sure if i got this from a link posted here but i thought id post it anyways

Dont let this discourage you.

kita--------------------!!! 180SX crash in bihok

Get Roll cages :wink:

damn that car flipped twice and went air born, hope the driver is okay though

haha oh shit ! He was probably alright though.

Pimp, insane flips, the driven must have been shooken up.

This is pretty gangster

lmao, holy it is rolling in the hwy, sparking the ground like a mexican lowrider, mad gangster shit

lol i love how the lights go down … the cars sayin “fack this im done”

lol…closes it’s eyes for the last time…RIP



Looks like mine! I like how the lights closed as if it died :frowning: Poor 180

Yea the old action. I’m sure he’s just sleeping.

is that arnold in the background yelling?

hahaha i just played it with the sound on, It really does sound like Arnold lol.

Driver’s ok. S13 hb cabins are safe if none of the pillars cave in.