Crazy anal fun!!!

Now that I have your attention, do you think that the person above you is a virgin?

No idea who you are so I dont have any clue

I highly doubt there are any virgins in this forum lol, unless the original poster is ??

who would even care?

i doubt you are tricia… but i find it funny that you would go into a thread titled crazy anal fun :wierd

I would hope you doubt that I am lol, it would be kinda hard to have a kid being a virgin :lol…seriously it drew my attention lol, figured there would be something or another aimed at me lol seeing as how I am the “anti-anal” lol



Im anti-anal too.

And since Im quoting you do you know anybody that needs a new hood for an '07 Civic? Im selling one.


Nope, figured that out when he posted pics of him bangin the bacne girl :rofl

tricia was in the pic too :shifty

getting anal-fied

something like that.


No because apparently he is in my moms bed.

I dont have bacne lol and I dont do anal:number1:lol

“Dad you want some Twizzlers?”


Well there is 1 true statement there…you certainly do not have backne!

uh…how would u know :rofl