CRAZY! beer pong footage inside!!

WOW…that almost cant be real!! :lol

thats what i was thinking. to much time on there hands i guess.

Id say so lol

If that is real:

  1. I would never want to play against those kids.
  2. None of them have ever slept with a woman in their life.

def agree on number 2. lol

don’t let Ilya hear ya saying stuff like that he might take offense.

I don’t think he cares about the well being of those goon’s peenorz.

he has a reason why he doesnt. these guys just cant. " hey baby wanna see me do pong tricks"

so nicole these guys didnt turn u on? lol

Ehhh… I mean they have their own place. That’s an improvement over my ex at least. Even if it is just a dorm or whatever.

that is a pretty sweet dorm. and i love how they’re so relaxed when they make those epic shots :lmao

holy shit. I am impressed , lol

Sully wishes he could make ONE shot a game!!

I’ll kill you fool…
How’s that couch treetin ya?


i dont even know how you become that good at pong.

practice makes perfect, like everything else

:lol Prick! Im bout to setup some BP on my table, and play myself!!

you must become the pong…