crazy connesville/union town peeps...

i was on my way back from morgantown today and coming thru connelsville/uniontown i seen something that was kinda like a train wreck…i couldnt stop watchin it. it started at this one traffic light, there was a silver sentra ser behind me. he just sat there at the light and kept reving it, at whom i dont know. so we leave the light, he passes me and flys up the road, swerving in and out of traffic in typical ricer style. then, followin him is the focus 4 door. it was green, brown, smashed, and rusted. had altezza lights and what looked like 1 steelie and 3 aftermarket wheels. they start playin cat and mouse up 119 in rush hour traffic. swerving in and out of traffic, cuttin people off etc… basically just driving like asses. at every redlight, as soon as it turned green, the sentra launched his car. EVERY TIME, whether there were cars infront of him or not. The whole time im watching this, it was like watching a train wreck…i duno. these guys were all out racing in rush hour traffic, i was waiting to see a wreck… anyone know these asshats?


the ruff ryders? :dunno:

don’t be hate’n cuz you couldn’t keep up, yo


bwahhhhhhhh I remember those tools

:rofl: i think i’ve seen them befor! :eek4dance

im slow… :crying: