Funny Clip from somewhere in PA

I found this on StreetFire. Almost 100% its from PA because the dudes shirt says Kiski Football and the dude talks about Hybrid Dynamics. Preety funny how the guy talks about his Hyundai. Anyone know who this guy is?

That actually looks like the Advance on West Liberty Ave, outside the Libery Tunnels. What a fucking tool.:asshole

hahaha that’s so damn funny

sunfires with dual exhausts are fast

So ur pissed he beat ur sunfire adn said it on tape so u posted it?:bigok:

It wasnt my sunfire it just so happens that I also drive a sunfire. I woulda toasted him in mine :blue:

HEY at least it doesnt have a huge fast and furious shopping cart spoiler on it


Thats not outside the Advance Auto up from the Liberty Tunnels. Just a friendly fyi.

OMG!!! That kid came to my shop when i was in Arnold… i swear turdteg, old dirty or showtime was around to see it too. The kid was talking ALL up on that car just like in the vid.

That is Parnassus, near new ken.

Kinda want to have him tune my car. If he can get an Elantra to 200 hp with an intake and a coffee can…wow! And not having to worry about shifting, either!

I’d ask for my 13 minutes back but I didn’t let it go that far.

WHat a tool.

LOL -------LOLOL

my head hurts now

you think he can help me fix my eclipse? anyone have his number?

that kid came into my work at ntb i lower burrell he said his elantra would hand my si it ass i just laughed and told me thats cool

it also says bolt’s on the side which is a shop in lower burrell

I gues this dudes the real deal then…NOT! haha Borat moment right there.

the dude talks just like the yinzers in that “csi pittsburg” skit on WDVE. haha he sounds just like them.

I don’t know whats gayer, the elantra or the yellow beetle.

the kid with the VW says that he can’t race, because he has to drive to springdale, which is near the mills mall, harmerville area. God I hope he hasent wrecked his car yet, I want to see it in person…

:bowrofl: wow