Crazy girl fight *vid*

holy crap… looks like its in florida or something (roofing style)… i guess thats what happens when its so nice you just dont know what to do with yourself…

:tdown: to knife fights… wiht 1 knife.

but she got her ass kicked for it so :tup:

Dayum O_o

:eek: the girl with the knife got her ass kicked hard, haha

thats just fucked up… everyone just stood around watching two girls brawl

if i saw a knife i’d just stand around too, damn

if ur gonan fight dont use weapons, thats gay


fucking gansta ass bullshit
Hopefully next time they will have guns and get rid of one another.


the first half of that was SO HOT :tup: :lickout:

<— totally watching that again.

EDIT: hush up my chemical beckington i don’t wanna hear about it

:tup: to contributing members or society & bitches staying classy


Wow those people were ghetto. Decent fight though

that bitch got cut deep. :tdown: to knife fights.

:word: they should be in the back seat of a jetta having sex in a parking lot :tup:

Sweet vid. People looked like a bunch of dirtbags though.

that’s the spirit

Lots of chick fights here:

crazy bitches

i would like to kick the ghetto fab chick right in her face

They should have killed each other.

Then there would be two less dumb bitches taking up space on this planet.