This is fucking ridiculous. Her daughter aside, how could she possibly think she looks good? What is this world coming to!?!!
This is fucking ridiculous. Her daughter aside, how could she possibly think she looks good? What is this world coming to!?!!
Crazy. I think it falls under the eating disorder mentality where people think no matter how skinny they are, they still are fat. I think some people just constantly think they need to tan.
“Chris, why don’t you ever want kids?”
She looks like over cooked bacon.
I do like my bacon crispy.
This is just tan Stewie being tan Stewie.
She’s beautiful.
Lol she’s black
She’s a BRICK…House!
Looks like a burnt hotdog forgotten about and left on the grill.
Toss that out yo
Saw this on Yahoo. One word, barf.
Rofl, perfect description actually.