Is this real life?

Lady brings her six year old daughter into a tanning booth with her… watch the video and look at the ladies skin :facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

I posted that on my FB earlier for all the girls that go tanning CONSTANTLY and think it looks good.

That lady’s skin is FUCKED.

:rofl saw this on the news at work on my break. I saw her and was like wtfffff

Shes a disgusting monster

Why? Because New Jersey.

Looks like an old catchers mitt.

Her twat probably looks like beef jerky.

Im aroused

stupid bitch is stupid

Holy shit! Some people really should not have and do not deserve to have children.

absoutly discusting, she prolly hates that her daughter is so fair skinned

that’s worse then the orange girl with the mayonnaise colored hair in Saratoga. and i actually shudder when i see her.


Was thinking the same thing as soon as I started reading the article…SHOCKER.

She done gone and oompa loompa’d herself.


No idea what the FUCK your talking about

Oh you know that one girl. From Saratoga. Hair like mayo.

i dont know her name, dont want to. she looked like she got locked in a cheetos factory.

lold at jersey