Crazy Transformers Photoshop *Caution: BMW content*

Pretty cool. A buddy decided to photoshop his car as a transformer… figured i’d share. This guy is very creative and good with PS. Also, for those who recall, he’s the one that made my poster for the car shows.



The photoshop is very cool… but damn his car is hot.

That’s damn good. hard to get the light and reflectons to do what you want there, I see he painted a lot of those in and they look great.

Hot car too :tup:

damn not bad .

Hey, ask him what programs he used to assemble that. That is seriously BA.

yea um, there is no way that was done only in PS lol.

has to be some sort of 3D modeling software and then maybe some PS afterwards

damn, that bmw is hot

You sure he did that all in PS Josh?

Looks good :tup:


i have to say that if he made that from scratch, based off of that picture in his car that is actually impossible… if he ps’d an existing transformer picture that was similar then it is probably do-able

well whatever he did it looks awesome

Bumble Bee would transform into something as gay as a BMW… :wink:

Car looks HOTT though…

Definitely possible in photoshop. Just probably done with several shots at the correct, or opposing angles (180 degrees).

Holy shit that car is hot.

Awesome transformation too :tup:

that PS is amazing :tup: :tup: from me… he’s got talent

i’m pretty sure it’s not 100% by him…just took an actual transformer and added his body panels.

Think Camaro.

damn photobucked being blocked

Yea, all he did was take the Camaro Body off Bumblebee and overlaid his panels.

rims are wrong :stuck_out_tongue: