crf 50

no longer for sale

Pics finally FTW!

do0d that shit is sick…idk what i’d do with it or where i’d ride it…mabey i could borrow gay20’s 3 ring circus

That looks pretty sweet.

Free bump. :slight_smile:

500 bucks come and get it.

300$ + GSR cams


Damn just giving that shit away.

wish i had the money. glws!


whats extremely low hours

It has roughly 200 hours on it if that.

I’ll trade you my ENTIRE RC car collection.

And maybe a bill or two. :wink:


Wanna do partial trade for a nice BMX bike?? And you can keep the 12oclock bar!

if its an 01 than its a XR50 not CRF50 fyi :wink: Nice custom handlebar risers/12bar, havnt seen anyone use stock controls in a longgg time. Is the 12bar welded to the subframe or bolted?

you looking for any trades? I want this but im piss poor… lol. I have car stereo equipment including an eclipse in dash flip out :wink: and other random shit. Let me know what you’re looking for if you want trades

The 12 Bar is fully welded to the frame.

ah if it wasnt welded id scoop this up, looks clean regardless.