Criminal Record Check.

yo man can u send me it???


You can’t find that version anywhere. You are pretty much fucked if you don’t have it already, it’s banned in 76 countries.

that’s why i’m asking you to send it to me cookie :doh:

wow they didnt even have my disturbing the peace :frowning:

Does anyone know why the link for this doesnt work anymore?

One for an unpaid parking ticket, one disorderly conduct. nothing in the last 8 years. oops one for a speeding ticket from Kilbuck twp.

double oops one in Indiana Cty for Careless driving (reduced from wreckless, lol).

Is Crafton not in Allegheny county? if so my street racing shit isn’t even showing up, lol.

Congrats Paul Walker.


heh, I wasn’t even racing. I was just standing there watching. The cops sealed off the exits and everyone that was there (even passengers in cars) got street racing citations.

The judge laughed his ass off when we were in court and offered to lower it to some stupid ass charge with a $60 fine so we said whatever and plead guilty.

Not EVERYone that was there watching got a ticket!!! :bigok:


i did hear that some were able to suck their way out of a ticket. Congrats.

pc load letter. what the f*ck does that mean?

Sorry, some chicks in an exploder picked me up, we convinced the cops we were on a date looking for Primanti Bros. :booty:


I know I remember the story. :rofl:

anyone make some new records lately?

George got a ticket but i somehow avoided one.