Arrest Records

Can anyone help me find arrest records/court documents etc. for someone? These would be in Allegheny County, Pennsylavania though…

My hubby’s employee got arrested over the weekend. Rumor is it was something to do with breaking into a house. Still haven’t heard from him so we’re assuming he’s still in jail. We’re just curious what this kids history is.

Tried searching the interwebs but couldn’t find anything that you could view for free.

PM me.

If he’s his employee and you have his info I would just pay for a backround check.

It wont show up on the background check if the case isn’t closed and finalized. Arrests are usually public information since they put it in the paper. Ask if you can have the info of the arrests this weekend or see when they are published.

I found one site last night, and the kid’s name showed up a bunch of times as closed cases, but the frickin’ documents opened in Notepad all jumbled.

i use to live in downtown pittsburgh. here’s the site you’re looking for. i was surprised NY did not have anything liek this.