Backround check

Is there somewhere where I can find out what somebody was convicted of? I know this person is a convicted Felon but the story doesn’t quite seem to add up. I don’t want to pay to find this out. Is there some website with these public records in NY?

Unless they are a sex offender no you can’t get criminal records for free in ny. I had the same problem recently and couldn’t get what i needed(this person was a felon also) until i had my family lawyer get it for me.

$1.95 for a one record search

Give the guy a break. He served his time, paid for the crime… etc. etc.


“I can’t find a damned job!” he says “Just because I did something wrong and went to jail does not mean I’m going to rob my employer and steal from the cash register!”

is it for a possible employee?? make them go to the police HQ where the crime took place and get a criminal history report. BPD only charges 10 bucks

Employers can do background checks, I believe landlords can sometimes as well.

I am not sure how much info it says, I do know they do not show if you’ve been arrested, only if you were convicted.

I believe it’s $5 or $10… I can find out for sure tonight from my Fiance… She used to work HR and do these checks.

It’s not always that they served their time, it’s verifying the story and making sure full details before hiring them for jobs. AKA you don’t want someone convicted of forgery working in a bank…

Just go on the NYS corrections site, search the name.If he was in prison it will tell you what prison, for what crime, and how long.

So, are you sure you are legally allowed to do this? Think again…

For a felon, you cannot use that as a justification legally as to whether or not you hire them. After the fact, you can look into it and fire them if they lied to you. An employee can be let go for false information on an application or resume. You cannot discriminate prior to them being employed. Hire them first and then check it out. If they fail your test, you can legally let them go.

Just like the laws for immigrants. You must hire them and THEN check to see if they are legal immigrants using e-Verify. You cannot legally discriminate based on your assumption that they may not be legal, hiring someone else based on that fact. You cannot also do e-Verify prior to hiring as that is also illegal.

Shut the fuck up you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve personally hired over 200 people in the past 3 years.

You have the right to deny employment to anyone as long as there is someone better suited for the job.

Think before you type…

I was not wondering for hiring, I was just wondering. I found what I was looking for on the NYS Corrections site.

Good, I think its alot easier that way lol.