Croc hunter's death video????

Seems like it’s all over the net.I’m trying to DL it at work but not having much luck.
Anyone watch it or is it a fake?



it’s down right now. is that really the video…because i’ve been looking and looking for it.

i realllllllllllly wanna see it :slight_smile: im a sick person i know.

look just below the “site will be down” notification … theres an accept button to view the vid

nope. still not getting anything. come on. i want to see this

edit: thanks for getting me all excited for THAT :frowning:

works fine for me… just log in… lol

Works here to lol.

well god dammit i got it to work but…

i want the real thing.

jerks :frowning:

It’s not on the net yet. It would be front page, first post, and 231094748075 pages long. lol

I think the police still have it, and don’t know who has rights to it.
