Cruise Night Pics

im the pudgy bald d00d drooling over the 300ZXTT in this pic

and wackin my pud to the giant hairdryer under the hood of the poopra in this pic

koo… when I get home I will know.

Very cool. Wish I could have made it.

Looks nice guys. Very clean :tup:

Jack am I seeing things or are your wheels from an 03-04 Cobra??

i knew i should have parked my JDM supercar with the others

nice pics guys, wish i coulda joined ya

nice pics

you woulda had to put some flashlights under the dash and your home stereo in the trunk to get by the dood at the entrance.

dood at the entrance: looks around inside my car you just got the stock stereo? i dont see anything, you got any mods?

me: yeah about $10k worth

dood at entrance: so its pretty much stock huh?

me: whatever dood

dood at entrance: ok why dont you go park at the back of the lot.

what a douch tool. but go figure, thats where all the JDM supercars were anyways.

i can’t help but laugh everytime hear the commercial on the radio when they mention the word “tuner cars” lol :roll:


When are these dickheads gonna learn what a real car is. Not to offend anyone but a J-Body w/ a kit on it is nothing next to all of this fury

ummm, its a car show…so they want body kits, rims, stereo systems, etc.

Whose Cobalt ess essss?

some more pics to boot. I wasn’t really in a picture taking mood. It’s amazing how mentally straining it is to be in the presence of a bunch of poorly placed body kits and squeeky lambo door hinges.

I <3 the car in every way, other than the dense swirls. :frowning: It hurts my feelbads.

your seeing things. They are off an 02 Cobra R BOI!!!

so car show = no performance mods? :stuck_out_tongue: i dunno i think if they’d get out of their current mind set more people would take it seriously

A what??

More like an '03 SVT cobra maybe…

Those cheap ass DSM/ 3Si guys are always using other people’s wheels instead of buying new aftermarket ones.

I wouldn’t know anything about that though. Nope, not me.

EDIT: Just saw JAck posted same time as me. I don’t think they are 02 Cobra wheels because they “curve” towards the hub center. The 02 cobra wheels were pretty straight up.