winged supra loses lol

so tonight me, baseball24, 05ESTEYE, and celicagts who rode with me got the infamous black mk4 supra with the hugggeee wing and sticker line up dont the doors to come out for some pulls. me and the supra only got in 2 runs and they were fairly quick but i jumped on him hard at a 40 roll and pulled about 2 cars on him before i let off. finally maybe he’ll stop running around telling everyone his car will blow there doors off.

i never heard him say that, he came to southgate and didnt run his mouth, and he didnt when i met him at s&r

meh im friends with him and he alwaysss tells me how i need to get a real car blah blah blah so maybe when i said everyone i took it kinda far lol. he took it to far with me at the track and i got kinda heated so im just glad he wont tell me what a p.o. my car is anymore. sorry for the mis understanding


glad you beat him :tup: :lol:

Non turbo automatic,

Who gives a shit?

you know this guy?

pass along my callout :slight_smile:

its TT

at least thats what i was told

its tt for sure
just automatic and ghey…

surely a TT supra can beat a N/A dumbestic!!!11

Ah I was told at SG it was non-turbo

Good kill. Didn’t realize we had another '03 Cobra on the board. :tup:

i totally told u it was TT after i launched my lighter at that beeping minivan full of jailbaits lol

eric is so angry

it broke :frowning:

its TT, all stock except for exhaust and a huge wing that adds a couple HP i think

I vouche to be a witness, lol the lighter was great

Wangan y0

Ugh okay I’m drunk but I’m totally remember that, cuz I called the fail on the fail of a throw haha

If this is was the supra that was at S&R cruise night, it was a TT. It was a black auto with big touring car wing and decals. Looked pretty tired, not surprised any reasonbly fast car would beat it.