I go to this show every year whether I want to or not. Basically because its a block from my house. There is always a nice turnout of older muscle cars and the past few years have been seeing more and more variety in the cars that attend. They have the controlled burnout show also - which seems to gather some attention. This year PBS will be there filming for an upcoming car show program. Further details are on the website: http://cruisethehub.com/Home_Page.php
P.S. - I tried to add this to the calendar but I don’t have permission nor would it let me jump to any month in 2007.
awesome show! There are alot of cars that come out that you won’t see at other cruises.
Always a great show. Missed it last year, won’t miss it again!
maybe if i have something that is one piece or running i will come
Come down anyways, man. Bring the youngins and they can go swimming or something too.
hmm…I should have my nissan back together and dailed in by then
Bump for less than a month away. I am excited about this show, its always my 2nd favorite of the year. Plus this year - with PBS filming, I have something to strive for and hope to get in the video.
I own a trucking company that hauls out of the stainless steel scrap yard in Rochester. I am in Rochester almost everyday. I know about this cruise and I have not made it once. I’m gonna have to go this year. I always hear good things about the burnout show.
how big is it?
if its fairly big i might go, but its a far trip to only see a few cars sitting in a parking lot
It’s much more than just a parking lot worth. It’s about 15 blocks and any medium/ large parking lot along that road is usually filled with cars.
I’ll be there in spirit. I am broke down. 
not sure if i can go or not but always a great show.
Nice show, I was there, saw the burnouts.