
Got some friends together for a little cruise tonight.
Here’s some pics, all of them are here -
Constantly uploading more…

I spy a familiar ZR1…I still want that car bad.

that TT viper is nastyyy

are you friends with the zr1 owner???

Pretty sure the orange TT-S is my neighbor :lol

Yeah, rode with him on the cruise!

Lmao, you live on route 7?!

Yeah I live right off route 7 down the street from that guy(QUITETT) :aww

^^haha i was just gonna say i think that guy lives on rt 7…see the car ALL the time…:lol

then Enjoy.

^ :rofl

Lmao, I’m not getting into that shit… He’s never done anything to me, and alot of the posts in that thread are just bullshitting. I’m just a photographer :ohnoes

Nice cars.

saw you guys sitting there when i drove by, actually the c6 was parked right there when i strolled through, those are some nice looking cars

Im just a broke hater…

but color matched wheels on that galardo make me want to puke

I agree haha, i’d pick black, but still looks sick from the front and behind :thumbup

the paint on the audi looks like its a peice of mango candy! awesome!

from the driver window up i dont mind gallardos…

From the driver window back, I think they look like a toaster…

I just don’t think they body is very sexy for the most part compared to say a murci or a newer galardo


:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl +rep

who the hell let Tony around that viper??? :eek

its gotta be… looks the exact same, and i havent seen another around like that