Crystal Cove 10/15/05

ah yes… wealth.

nice cars.
5 stars.

They were out there again this morning. A different fatass Porsche. Silver this time. there were 4 of the loud funny cars this time, but one left before I could take pictures of them all together. The yellow one wasn’t there last time.

Enjoy the pics :wink:

A Styker? In the US? I didn’t even know they were brought over here…

Remind me again why I still live in Buffalo?
Some nice $$$ cars there.

yep, they sell them here.

Not my style, but they have the most exquisite interior i have ever seen…

What are those?

its spyker, theyre a Dutch company

another morning in Newport Beach

Was that porsche spyder an original? even if not still looks amazing :eek:

edit: oh yeah, you are making me hate living here more and more every week, also feeling very poor too. dammm man.

jeller i’m so moving after next summer, wanna come with? haha

yeah, the P Spyder was an original, I snapped a picture of the build plate to confirm it. The workmanship on the aluminum and rivets was exemplary.

If anyone is seriously moving, I need a roommate in my new place…

I hate you!!! :smiley:
