Cuban Crisis..... happy?

Didn’t see that coming.

his brother has been in power for awhile now… it was only bound to happen… im sure weve known about it for a bit… just no ones reported about it, or…leaked it yet

I wonder what this will lead to between the US and Cuba.

doubtful anything… raul has been running the country since 06 when castro had that surgery. if anything could have happend, it woulda been then. granted ALL the power will probably now shift to raul, but ill be surprised to see the dictatorship end on that island any time soon

Party time baby, party time.

nigga’s got 5 sons… where the shit are they at?

So no cubans at the Tinder Box yet?

Im just here to make fun of Fry for the repost since it is now locked. HAHAHAHAHA(Im pointing my finger at you while laughing)HAHAHAHAHAH.

Also i dont think this is going to change much if anything at all.

:2fingers: :mad:

So the US policy of waiting for Castro to die of old age to defeat communism in Cuba has apparently failed.

We have however seamlessly shifted into operation “Wait for Raul to Die”.

Fry’s title was far better. :snky:

This, this changes nossing.

Raul is even more radical than Castro. Dont expect the standoff to end anytime soon.

lol “Fidel-Lite”

there… happy ?? lol

lol yay for change