Curtis Lumber car show Sunday July 10th (tomorrow)

All I see is 3 bitches.

I saw those ladies walking around and they looked much better from 100 feet away than they did up close.

they were fine paul

look , all 3 have as many aftermarket parts as the car .

I bet they are all blown like the car too…

broad that his hand is on is his wife deb, lol hense y the hover hand my guess

older and high mileage

LOL I didn’t even notice that.

Maybe he doesn’t like shorts?

Relax Adam . John and jay both told Howard to Fuck off lolol

Or he just really likes those size 12 Applebottom jeans he’s wearing.

let me begin by saying no i am not and never will be a Redline fan boi.

what happened was…me and john were at the show minding out P’s and q’s when Howard got in johns face with about 13 dudes circling us. john didnt really say much due to his babies there but i sure as shit did. i basically clowned them all daring any one of them to touch me. no one would say anything other than tony saying i didnt know his business. i was screaming at them and not much was happening. then about an hour later howard points at me and motions me over. im thinking who the fuck is this dude pointing at? me? he comes over and says hes wanted to talk to me for a long time and hasnt had the chance. i basically told him why i didnt like him and he said he was sorry for blowing me off like that and blah blah. we squashed everything from then on. so from now on, im staying out of it unless otherwise provoked. no issues with any of them and im neutral.

o ps: he invited me to his private toga show in aug. i just kinda nodded.


Recruitment… E-man could fuck people up for him hahaha

now emanuel has to grow a blowout and put 28’s on his daily


Eman, you do know the second you turned your back, more shit talking about you happened, right??

Dude emanuel is a pussy bitch. End of discussion. Thats right I will not even capitalize your first name cause you are a BITCH

thats fine, i honestly could care less what they think of me. the tuff bald guy walking around with a tank on was the biggest TOOL there. just like standing there, arms crossed like he was a bouncer or something. BRO, newsflash, its a car show, enjoy yourself!!! stop actin all tuff and go have yourself a Wheatgrass smoothie you faggot!!!

I thought it made me look more tough. And fine, I will go make a smoothie. ya big jerk.

you could totally take him