Custom 2006 BMW 325xi for sale

Was he wasted and/or high as hell off of something? No normal person does that. :rofl

Wait since when is 10500 miles in 4 years the normal? I didnt realize 25k+ was now the average

Hes got a slight drinking problem lol…

Depending on who you talk to, 20k miles a yr is pretty much the average mileage driven in a yr however this is a selling technique that has been pretty successful in the past… BTW, it’s a 2006 which means it is very likely the car was bought mid to late 2005 and theres less than a month left in 2010 so the car has been driven more than 4 years.

Last time I checked 15k was starting to get close to average yearly mileage

once again, it depends where your looking… Thanks for sale-blocking my thread though :banghead

Not trying to block just trying to find logic to the statement

Heres the REAL logic break down for you, car was probably released 6 months earlier than 2006 as most brand new cars are sold months earlier than the yr they were made, for an example is 4-5 months ago 2011 hyundais were being sold and its still not 2011 yet. In addition to this, it is pretty much 2011 SOO the car has been driven for around 66 months which is 5.5 years at 20k which IM using as a yearly number would be 110,000 miles.

If it was a lease return then those miles are 100% what they should be

Wasnt a lease return, I bought it from the original owner in Nj.

i drive my corvette backwards around my neighborhood in attempts to roll back the mileage. i like cheese :wierd

looks like im not the only one^

whats your favorite kind? i love FAMUNDA. so tangy and sour just makes me pucker up. yum. :ninja


I guess I better get to drivin. I put 10k on my truck a year.

:ponder safer then

2004 triple black smg m3 vert with 92k, $15,500 interested?

ummmmmmm… am I interesting in buying or trading? lol… This thread is me selling my personal 06 325xi, not looking for another bmw… This being said I’d almost 100% trade for that so I could sell the m3 instead lol.

Yeah, my bad… forgot this was a for sale thread…This isn’t about you man…its about profit…and I want some too…lol

Good luck with sale!