Custom Rides - WTF Were They Thinkin????

He wears his “pride” on his car though…

Oh my god what the fuck!..:puke:

does anybody find it odd that he’s parked near a bunch of musclecars and nobody’s looking at him funny? (the white Prelude pic)

OMFG. Please tell me that’s not a 300ZX with all that fiberglass shit on it.

He was told to leave at this point.

i wanna see the rear hatch on that van open.


That lexus is pretty pimp actually.

so you like plaid ground effects and venetian blind wheels? lol

hahahaha stupi lud, im glad he got booted, i wouldnt want that piece next to me either

I just think it looks cool??

But then again im attracted to man tooters too so I guess we just see things differently…

different strokes for different folks. :tup:

that van with the 300zx taillights on it is GROSSSSSSSSSS…look at the door on the side open, theres like 10" of fiberglass added onto that shitbox, and that wing??? MADDD JDM YO!

Ive seen those wheels on an old Impala wagon (60’s) and they looked good on it.

airstream with an olds toronado front end… that’s actually pretty crafty, big block and FWD coupled to a camper. hmmm, it’s almost like a home. that’s mobile.

it’s the answer to a question nobody asked. :gotme: