
he’s just gonna lurk, they all do!

Originally posted by BlkP42E
he’s just gonna lurk, they all do!

Didn’t he do this once before, and he kept lurking till it died down a little.

ignore him and he will go away

Originally posted by Quik
more storys about him:)
ur in a close second!!!:tounge:

storys=stories :smiley:

Originally posted by Pewterss
ur in a close second!!!:tounge:

come tell me a story brian

Originally posted by Quik
come tell me a story brian
i wont go there!!!:slight_smile:

Twin turboooooooo :smiley:

Originally posted by BlkP42E
Twin turboooooooo :smiley:

:owned: by the kid with the 2tone hood/ car

Originally posted by BlkP42E
:owned: by the kid with the 2tone hood/ car
:rofl: :rofl: :itr41:

Originally posted by BlkP42E
Twin turboooooooo :smiley:
where is the own and where
is the story. it takes money to start it. just waiting on a call back from
a job. then ill start it.


he is like a male attention whore i guess

He also died at one point in order to break up with a girl, at least on the F-body boards