D-Sport action..friday sep 2 practice..monday sep 5 event!

hey folks… we are back at bud park this friday night sep 2nd, and have a event schedualed monday sep 5th at Budpark. at 1030am will be practice till 1pm, then from there we will take a break and get ready for competiton at 2pm…

first place will recieve $500 from tire warehouse towards some new rubber
second and third recieve props and some small goodies from Martix Motorsports

entre fee for this event will be $50

hope to see everyone out


So, whos going?

I will be out on monday if it is still a go??


Is there the usual admission fee on Monday?

Great event. Well organized and the course was hella fun.

Thanks for organizing these things Andy and, uh, Mark (right?). Will there be any more friday night practices or is that it for the season?

B-Wurm :smiley: