D2 warranties

Bing, my payment to you is still UNCLAIMED! or just send me a request.

iono man your payments never show up in my account…

i already confirmed the order and sent partial payment to D2…

if you still want in you better do it fast.

bing i told u on tues i want in, lemme in fool im gona call you.

i ordered the dampers last week and sent most of the payment

D2 USA has notified D2 taiwan and tey are supposedly putting the order together as of 2 days ago.

i called on monday and yesterday but not today, i will call tomorrow and find out WTF is up

Yea you better or else death!

Damn, I’m glad I didn’t buy them.

guess what i got today?


i’m thinking of keeping them all for myself…what do you think?

I got JACKED for $60 in customs on these WARRANTY claims… fucker-slut-whore-cunt-bitches


pick ups can only be done tonite (tuesday) or thursday and friday.

i cannot have visitors because of exams on saturday through to next tuesday.

after tuesday of next week you can come any time.

so basically, no one can come tomorrow or saturday through tuesday of this coming week.

Bing whats the F C and B stand for?

cool!!! i cant wait BING!

it’s B F and C

for Bing is the Fukkin Cing (<<<pronounced ‘King’) crazy taiwanese spelling

jack, get me on msn