daddy came home with a present lol

so yea i was telling my dad last night about how they used to use jagermeister for colds and as a cough syrup (had a cold all weekend) so he walks in the door today and hands me a litre of jager…FTMFW!!!

dont know ya or know what ya look like but ummmmmmmmmmm :giggedy :giggedy :naughty im a cheep date ;D

:crackup :crackup :crackup John he’s a dude.


whhhhatttttttttt what kind of dude calls himself sexy time :gay :fail :crackup

:rofl PWNT!!!

:stfu thats not right a dude callin himself sexy time what would you think if ya didnt know jesus…is he at least a hot guy :wtf

NO NO your a who-ore :nod

whatever just dont call me that in the mornin …i dont normally do things like that :lol

thats what all who-ore say… :haha


hahahahahahahahaha, not how i thought the thread would turn out but ok

on a side note tho, i do like to think of myself as an attractive individual :ninja

a/s/l wieght etc etc ;D

well, then. that’s awkward.

not quite sure what the letter stand for besides the a
so i’ll give the age and weight for now, 20 and 263 [thats after losing 85lbs…not as big of a fatass anymore ;)]

still a dude i was just kiddin man im good :lol

dammit, i thought i was going to have something (or someone) to do this weekend… :sad

i heard trav is avail :wow

That fag hasn’t been on here in a week or so … :wtf I take it he’s done with cars :lol

ya notice jt viggen hasnt iether

Oh yeahhhh :gay :umm