OT from Fast Travis' intro thread


you’re like 12!

and I’m labeled the leg humper.


Benny I tried to stick up for you and point out you didn’t even know who I was in real life.


I’d never met you how was I supposed to know who you are? :rofl

That’s what I’m saying…

How can you be a leg humper when you don’t even know who I am.
For all you know I could have been like 400lbs or something.
Not very nice of all those people coughSwiftycough to imply such a thing.

Hahaha w/e like I said I don’t blame him, there did seem to be evidence of a bit of unintentional e-flirting there once it was all posted in front of me :rofl

I would probably do the same thing :rofl

u lie… u big flirt… if joe wasnt there u woulda been like a french poodle humping her leg.

:rofl :wtf :nono

we’d all be doing that :lol

who says we dont? :giggedy

For fuckssake. Why does every thread have to go in this direction!? ::slight_smile:

aww u need a hug? :hug

If you do get a hug from travis, that thing poking your thigh is in fact NOT a baby carrot.

cuz not enough women here. its like you get a package of hotdogs and buns, but theres 10 hotdogs and only 8 buns per package. same here, well, the proportion might be off a bit more, but you know what i mean


That’s the best analogy I have ever heard.

:lol i have my moments ;D

there need not be any more hotdog/hallway comments when referencing nicole… nuff said already. :lol

:rofl lawdy

oh its nothing like that.


God damn right it’s nothing like that!