OT from Fast Travis' intro thread

:wow Very nice setup on the mystic man!! I want to do a 88mm on my sn95 eventually. Cant wait to see your car and welcome to the forum!!

Sidenot: why does every thread go crazy off topic, say hi/ask questions, or stfu ;D :tong

sounds as if u speak from experience… nicole, there something we should know bout u n vadim? hmm? :ponder

at this point im just going to not comment for once. i dont want Joe catching the back of my head with a tire iron :lol

Dude, I tried a few pages back to keep it normal. :sad
Adam is always a good one to ruin the fun and bring everyone back to reality. ;D

I wanna see the whoooooollleeee car.

I AM buzzkill :lol


Ima rape you :lol

Okay, now who’s bringing the thread off topic!?

i knew it was only a matter of time before you mustang owners showed your true colors… in this case… its a rainbow. :lol


Now who’s the buzzkill?! :lol

less gay than rainbow!

ohhh shit man… here we go… u just unleashed an entire can of worms… :headbang

:wtf I’m not that small.

:confused :wtf :stfu

read first post and it will make sense

but u ARE that small?

He’s not that small, but he’s smaller than me I guess I should say…

Benny flirts with me too, so It’s not just you.