LOL... IM's from NacsRacer27

MxYFZ450 27: heh, its kinda funny…i go back almost 3 years later and you GROWN MEN are still holding a grudge over a simple joke, that someone about 8 hours away shouldnt even worry about. I thought girls helf bad grudges…but just, wow.

TwinCamz1320: no, we hate you because youre a tool

MxYFZ450 27: no, you have no idea what i am, i posted that when i was 15, im almost 18 now, being that it was 3 years ago, I figured you guys would have pulled the stick out of your asses by now, but…instead you just keep putting it in deeper and insist on saying “go fuck yourself”

It’s funny though…all this over me saying i got a new eclipse and saying a few things to pewters daughter, permantly labels me…gotta love the pride of grown men on the internet.

TwinCamz1320: keep pleading your case…

TwinCamz1320: I care, i really do!

TwinCamz1320: lol

Auto response from MxYFZ450 27: out sucking a dick through the random glory hole of life :slight_smile:

:rofl: You cant make stuff like this up!

I thought Pewter broke that dudes limbs off?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: !!! So true.


He secretly wants to :hitit: you.

I would not doubt it…

thn apolgize 3 years later because he got an eclipse and “matured”

haha he’s almost 18 his balls have dropped and everything

he’s prob sitting in the corner of his room right now trying to position himself to be able to suck his own dick


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i dont remember this drama, but it sounds funny. and this kid sounds like a douche.

drop him an IM

inquire about said drama

make fun at his expense

post the convo

you the man!

im not that motivated. I want the funny to come to me.

get your fat ass out there and make the funny!

He’s a noob, you’ve been here from the beginning, dont dissapoint me you bitch

lazy fawkers